I got a comment on one of my older entries. "Just Five Things" was written early in my defeating PPD. It was written as an homage to wisdom gained from my support group leader that changed my life. In short, there are just five things a new mom has to do to care for herself and her baby. The comment was from a new mom of a 7 month old. She thanked me for sharing the wisdom that helped her get through her own stormy time.
I cried. I cried alot.
I cried because I now know how my support group leader felt when I thanked her for sharing her own version of the Just Five Things. I cried because I know what the woman was going through. It was less than a year ago I was in her shoes.
I cried too because the day before I received the comment, I had decided to quit this blog. I was walking across the finish line without understanding the race is only half over.
I started this blog as a tool to overcome PPD. It became a way to process and share my mothering moments. It became an excuse to merge my two passions-writing and my children. It took on a life of it's own.
I am crying now because I almost allowed life's rollercoaster to take away something that means so much more to me than I ever imagined it could. And maybe, just maybe, it means a little something to someone else.
Thank you Mommy M for pulling me back from the finish line.
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